Positive Reflection

Irsa Rafiq
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

Along with your work ethics, communication skills, and emotional intelligence, exhibiting a positive attitude will help you reach your career goals. Because people aren’t always taught to be positive, you may have an edge over the competition by exhibiting this quality. It’s totally an internal decision and not influenced by any outside factor.

I like to share an overview of my own experience after joining Amal Fellowship that how I practiced being more positive and more realistic about the situations. And how to tackle them by being positive all the time. My journey with Amal Fellowship was really interesting as it helped me to learn a lot of new skills, most of which I didn’t know before. Many concepts were new for me. In fact, I discovered myself through this journey, dug deeper and deeper and discover interesting facts about myself, and became much more productive than ever before. I learned how to interact in a professional way, in a social setting when you are surrounded by people who have totally different mindsets. Through this fellowship, I able to communicate my ideas in a much more productive manner. And in return, I got the same from the fellows that always tried to provide constructive feedback and helped me to make myself better and to accept the mistakes as an opportunity to learn something new. Both of our facilitators helped us to discover ourselves more and more. They provided us with the best sessions which were full of energy, knowledge, interaction, and, new ideas. Above all, I learned time management which is one of the major issues for adults nowadays.

The main Instance: No doubt there were a lot of instances that impacted me and help me to realize the situation and how positively to respond in such situations but one of the most important instances was when I was collecting “Funds for Edhi Foundation”.

Actually, I put a status on my WhatsApp wall, Facebook page and, Instagram page but what was shocking for me that nobody replied back even with a single text, and I got really discouraged after seeing people’s reaction and I felt like I was failed in achieving something. At this point, I saw myself standing at the stairs of failure. I waited for them to reply but I got disappointed. Then I decided to send them inbox messages for fund-raising, by doing so most of them replied back as well as they donated also. But one of them said that it was looking fake. This point was really challenging for me to convince her about the situation which I finally did by telling her about Amal Academy.

The whole outcome of this instance was that I faced failure but by being positive all the time I found new ways to solve the problems instead of sitting back and thinking about my failure. I took another step and this time I got positive responses as well as I managed to convince someone which I think is the biggest challenge I ever have. Through this Fellowship, I learned how to turn my failure into my success by being positive because when you are depressed internally, you can’t think properly.

#Be positive

#Growth mindset

#Lifelong learner

#Amal fellowship

